Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fucken Magnets

Hey what the fuck is up yall? Sorry i havent keeped you up to date with Know Your Serial Killers, a lot of crap has been coming up and what knot. So anyways ive been surfing the net like crazy, basicly the net is my sec life :) Helps me cope and what not you know!?. Well anyways I thought i share what i have found...

So Lady Gaga wants to do a nude shoot for Playboy and i would like to hear what yall think about that? First off, Gaga music isnt really for kids shes sing a lot about sex, drugs, and death. But shes is pointing out shit that has happend to her and not lying about it so i think thats pretty cool.

So E3 is coming up and i cant wait to see what they have in store for us.
Watch that shit on G4TV or stream it on

Ok now i want to talk about something closer to home. If some of yall didnt know that I am a Native American and very proud. Being proud of who you are is very important because it shows were you came from. The way i see it, there might not be a god idk, but there was someone like you in your past. The same blood that flows in your veins runs in the past as well. Thats prof that your people has been around for awhile. I dont care if your German, Irish, Korean, or a Alien from outer space. You should always be proud of who you are. But i do think that is fucked up on how people say "You cant like Him/Her because they are not one of us" This is the reason for wars and other crap like that.You should be able to love/like who ever you want you know? I would be really cool to say that i am half Korean and half Native American(or German and Russian) because you have a lot of power in your blood. Know what im tryin to say??? Haha you never know our skin color might change to orange.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Everybody Is Gonna Die Some Day, Enjoy Life

So enjoy life while you still can. Get drunk, smoke weed, paint something, write a poem, get a girl/boy friend, have sex, write a song, cook something, intertwine with other cultures, make a video of some sort, watch a few porn, take a road trip with loves one. You only LIVE ONCE so just enjoy it because you can not turn back time you can not fix shit you have fucked up before. Just keep walking ahead and dont turn back. Dewelling in the past can make you feel sad and you might want to kill your self but dont. Just smile and say FUCK THEM! because i know thats what i did :)