Monday, April 12, 2010

Closed Casket

Lately ive been reading all these fucked up co
mments on youtube about ICP. They have released a new music video and so far most of it is hating on them. At first i was like thats fucked up but i thought about it and realized that ICP has changed their music style alot. Now-a-days they "rap" about things that seems like they are running out of ideas. I hate to say it but most of ICP new stuff is weak. They use to rap about cutting teachers heads, digging up chicks and keep her as a girl friend, eating dead bodies, stealing dead bodies, making a zombie, running through the nite to kill somebody, and much more dark shit like that! Now its about watching my ride, stalking girls, "Juggalo Island" (sorry but this song souldnt be on BANG POW BOOM maybe ffv5?). I saw the Hatchet Man as a symbol of a ruthless person that has been fucked with, but now i see it and see a bunch of emo juggalos pretending to be down. So idk......... Seems liked ICP Closed The Casket

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