Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ninin ga Shinobuden

I was reading one of my old newtype magazine and I came across a anime that is running before it had walked. Ninja Nonsense is the anime I am talking about, its one of those animes that has some hot anime chick and big boobs in it. So i bet a lot of dudes are all over it. Ive never seen it so I am not hateing on it but I do hate how they promote there show. This is what ive read...
Product Description
"Take the comedy of SOUTH PARK, combine it with one totally cute (and naive) ninja-girl trainee, a horde of ninjas under the perverse tutelage of her headmaster: a strange, yellow, spherical, pudgy creature named Onsokumaru, and you get the craziest, most hilarious anime show ever created!
Ok so I dont agree with the South Park part haha. South Park is a show that targets anybody! nobody is safe. Maybe if this anime talked trash about Jews, Scientology, Bloods, Crips, Mexicans, Native Americans, Asians, Star Wars, Muslims, Mormons, Tom Curise, and awhole lot more! So yeah i dont think this anime doesnt know what they are talkin about when they say its the same as South Park, South Park with big boobs haha. So yeah can anyone tell me if it is like South Park?? South Park FTW.

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