Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Ok cool so today imma talk about teachers more specifically High School teachers. I remember back in high school that most teachers wouldnt express their own beliefs. Which is a very good idea because most kids cant think for them selfs. BUT the teachers who share their own beliefs and ideas on the way they see life is risky. I enjoyed when they shared ideas because i can bump heads or agree with them plus it shows we are equal. BUT! those students in the class are not that there, so what they hear from the teachers is most likely to stick in their domes. So what ever the grow up says has to be true. IDK its just something i thought off just bloging XD

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Whats The Fuck Is Up! Yall!?

Damn i havent been here for awhile now but the New York thing is still a go :) But other than that a lot of shit has happend.
First off GOTJ booed and threw shit at Tila Tequila, she didnt know what was juggalo's about so she winged it and it showed. Juggalos dont give a fuck, we all can relate to each other in some way, we all know why we love the Dark Carnival. All clebs dont know what we are all about. So she flashed her fake tits to the crowd but that was a big no no!.

I have filmed my first Music Video its on youtube just look up xxstoproductionsxx.

As of right now im trying to get into two colleges and so far it seems it might work but i dont know yet. I really want to leave Arizona, you know? have you ever had something calling you? i dont know how to explain it but thats what NY is doing to me. Maybe its the graffiti, snow, city, hot chicks haha idk just something callin. But i have ideas for projects coming up so check up once in awhile :) oh and ill start KYSK agian too. but this is a re boot

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fucken Magnets

Hey what the fuck is up yall? Sorry i havent keeped you up to date with Know Your Serial Killers, a lot of crap has been coming up and what knot. So anyways ive been surfing the net like crazy, basicly the net is my sec life :) Helps me cope and what not you know!?. Well anyways I thought i share what i have found...

So Lady Gaga wants to do a nude shoot for Playboy and i would like to hear what yall think about that? First off, Gaga music isnt really for kids shes sing a lot about sex, drugs, and death. But shes is pointing out shit that has happend to her and not lying about it so i think thats pretty cool.

So E3 is coming up and i cant wait to see what they have in store for us.
Watch that shit on G4TV or stream it on

Ok now i want to talk about something closer to home. If some of yall didnt know that I am a Native American and very proud. Being proud of who you are is very important because it shows were you came from. The way i see it, there might not be a god idk, but there was someone like you in your past. The same blood that flows in your veins runs in the past as well. Thats prof that your people has been around for awhile. I dont care if your German, Irish, Korean, or a Alien from outer space. You should always be proud of who you are. But i do think that is fucked up on how people say "You cant like Him/Her because they are not one of us" This is the reason for wars and other crap like that.You should be able to love/like who ever you want you know? I would be really cool to say that i am half Korean and half Native American(or German and Russian) because you have a lot of power in your blood. Know what im tryin to say??? Haha you never know our skin color might change to orange.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Everybody Is Gonna Die Some Day, Enjoy Life

So enjoy life while you still can. Get drunk, smoke weed, paint something, write a poem, get a girl/boy friend, have sex, write a song, cook something, intertwine with other cultures, make a video of some sort, watch a few porn, take a road trip with loves one. You only LIVE ONCE so just enjoy it because you can not turn back time you can not fix shit you have fucked up before. Just keep walking ahead and dont turn back. Dewelling in the past can make you feel sad and you might want to kill your self but dont. Just smile and say FUCK THEM! because i know thats what i did :)

Monday, May 31, 2010

Life Like

If your scared of someone ripping your heart out and stepping, stomping, and slashing it! Well i have an idea on what you could do! So i was watching one of Ray William Johnson video( and there was this dude who liked to fuck blow up dolls then pop them. So i looked up blow up dolls on youtube and i found this video where this dude in japan basicly says "Fuck Real Girls". This dude is in love with this dolls he bought and these arnt your sisters Barbie's im talking about. This are real life size dolls and you can basicly do anything to them. And this "Girls" run up to $6000 more if you want to add in details and other stuff. Its made out of silicone so i guess it feels real "all around". So think about it, this dude goes to some clothes store and buys this doll some panties and bra's. Fuckin Otaku's! But im pretty sure there is a hand full of guys that would love to try these things out. So women BEWARE the men have a fall plan. Lol so yeah WTF! Happy Monday Morning

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Smiley Faces

Today I just turned 20 So yeah, that much closer to death. No KYSK today :) peace out!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Why New York?

Right now im writing up my letter for the college im trying to get into. As I'm writing it, I think to my self and ask "why new york city?".

Awhile back on the city bus to downtown Tucson with one of my homie "Kreture". Our goal was to go throw up stencils and stickers around( at the time i fell in love with graffiti). I'd hardly wonder around outside at the time(Ha still do) so i was stoked to go to downtown. Before I was scared to hang out because what you see on TV, but My homie knew hes way around so I was clam but ecstatic. When we got off at the bus stop at Ronstadt center it was a different world it was very cool. Before i was use to just the streets of South Side Tuscon but here felt like a whole new play ground. Even though Downtown is very very small to NYC it felt like i was there. And i liked the feeling of that.

So I choose New York because its a awhole different area from the hot sun. Plus it sounds very fun too! So hopefully ill get to tell you guys my new stories from the other side of the States.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


OK childern I got a crazy story for you. This is a story about a man named Edward Theodore Gein. He was a kid of two sons a mom and a daddy. In most stories its the dad that helps push kids into something very dark. In this case his daddy was an drunkard and would always hit his kids. His mom wasnt very nice ethier and would hit the boys aswell . But they seemed to like there mom more because soon the dad has died from a heart attack. So the boys would take up jobs to help there mommy to make ends meets. The two boys were good, so said the people in town. They use to live in a small farm house in Plainfield, Wisconsin. But the Henry the other son didnt like his mom point of view of life. So he would tell his baby brother not to listen to her because she spoke ill. But Edward aka Ed loved his mom. So there is a theory that Ed killed his brother during a fire that took place near by. But it couldnt be proven. Its said that he really love his mom but fate had tooken a turn on him she had died as well from a stroke. "lost his only friend and one true love. And he was absolutely alone in the world." Ed stayed on the farm but he boarded most of the rooms, where his mom would stay and relax. He stayed in a small room next to the kitchen. When your all alone your thoughts begin to become stronger, noboby can say its wrong. Gein started to think that he should become a Woman. So he started to make a woman suit. His first target was a woman who work in a hardware store. He hung her up and mutilated her so he can have her body parts. Soon after that the cops was found every thing he has done and tried him. He was found to be insane, he said he didnt remember some of the acts he did. The cops also found out he would go grave robbing. In his house there was alot of body skins laying around. In July 1984 he had died from a heart attack. During this time he at Goodland Hall at the Mendota Mental Health Institute in Madison, Wisconsin. In 1958 his house was burned down and Bunny Gibbons had bought his car(to show off in a freak show) where they had said thats where Gein stored the bodies he had dug up.
Here are a few things the cops has found:
Four noses
Whole human bones and fragments
Nine masks of human skin
Bowls made from human skulls
Ten female heads with the tops sawed off
Human skin covering several chair seats
Mary Hogan's head in a paper bag
Bernice Worden's head in a burlap sack
Nine vulvas in a shoe box
Skulls on his bedposts
Organs in the refrigerator
A pair of lips on a draw string for a windowshade

So yeah that ends our KYSK so until neek week See ya :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ninin ga Shinobuden

I was reading one of my old newtype magazine and I came across a anime that is running before it had walked. Ninja Nonsense is the anime I am talking about, its one of those animes that has some hot anime chick and big boobs in it. So i bet a lot of dudes are all over it. Ive never seen it so I am not hateing on it but I do hate how they promote there show. This is what ive read...
Product Description
"Take the comedy of SOUTH PARK, combine it with one totally cute (and naive) ninja-girl trainee, a horde of ninjas under the perverse tutelage of her headmaster: a strange, yellow, spherical, pudgy creature named Onsokumaru, and you get the craziest, most hilarious anime show ever created!
Ok so I dont agree with the South Park part haha. South Park is a show that targets anybody! nobody is safe. Maybe if this anime talked trash about Jews, Scientology, Bloods, Crips, Mexicans, Native Americans, Asians, Star Wars, Muslims, Mormons, Tom Curise, and awhole lot more! So yeah i dont think this anime doesnt know what they are talkin about when they say its the same as South Park, South Park with big boobs haha. So yeah can anyone tell me if it is like South Park?? South Park FTW.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Me Vs. Haters

I have a new plan. There are so many haters out there right now saying that I am shit and that I am not doing anything with my life. Even homies who I thought who was down with me but they just look the other away. Let me put it like this MotherFackos, through out high school i only had two real friends ONLY TWO who was really down with me from the start one of them is a homie i knew since 4th grade. This is no diss to anybody who is still down with me I still think your the shit.The drifters, when i was in high school nobody talked to me, nobody was really friends with me i was alone but i was use to it. Then all of a sudden a lot of people wanted to know me it was werid. So i was cool with it and said whats up ninjas. But know a handfull of them left even a few family members took off so right now i know who stands with me.
I wanted to join the US Marines but my dad was agiants it and i had a lot of dreams that he was going to kill him self because none of his kids listend to him. So I still want to join but imma go to college first because i want to show him that his kids listen because right now he is really depressed. So i say FUCK you MOTHERFUCKERS who turned your back on me lol Sorry this was a rant i just had to say. So right now Imma AIM for NEW YORK Fuckin CITY!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hamamatsu Deaf Killer

Have I got a story for you my killa's. Ok this is about a Japanese guy named Seisaku Nakamura and an intresting fact about him he is a deaf serial killer. Ok imagine that, ok you can not hear the scream of your victims or trophys at all. Some other serial killers love to hear them scream because they know that they can not do anything about it and no one can hear. So anyways this guy started to kill people during War World II we also tried to rape 2 womens(okay I think raping is very bad! thats not fuckin cool!) but failed so he just killed them. So the cops took him in. But at the time he was 14 years old so they had to leave him alone thinking he just a kid... until he started to think. The mind is a very powerful weapon and can be very bright or very dark. Soon after at the age of 17 he killed two more women because hes a little bitch and cant kill men. Then badly injured some other woman caught in the whole mess of this kid. Then two days later he killed three more people, just racking up points. Then about a 10 days later he killed his own brother then injured hes dad, sister, brother wife and there kid. Ok at this point hes still 17 years old and all this in two months and hes deaf. So i have no idea why the police havent put down this crazy dog but anyways one year later on August 30, 1942 he murder a couple and killed their son and daughter. They had another daughter and tried to rape her(idk if she was ok). So on October 12, 1942 he was finally arrested for 9 murders but he told the police he killed two more people. He was tried as an adult then soon was executed. So yeah this crazy bastard was a deaf serial killer that that is petty crazy.
Birth name: Seisaku Nakamura
Hamamatsu Deaf Killer
Born: Shizuoka, Japan
Cause of death: hanging
Number of victims: 9-11
Span of killings: August 22, 1938–August 30, 1942
Country: Japan
State(s): Shizuoka
Date apprehended: October 12, 1942
Hoped you enjoyed this segment of "Know Your Serial Killers" until next Tuesday Peace Out

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Content Warning

So ive put a warning on my blog because what i speak for the most part is not for kids so if you are a kid dont read or do what i say :) And for the rest, yeah im for real imma post what ever the fuck i want to post haha
Lotus Mother Fuckers! <---Click Here!
"The blog that you are about to view may contain content only suitable for adults. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For more information about our content policies, please visit the Blogger Terms of Service"

Hey There, Shitty Shitty Fag Fag, Shitty Shitty Fag Fag, How Do You Do? How Do You Do?- Mr.Garrison

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Elizabeth Báthory

Ok today imma start a sement which is called "Know Your Serial Killers". So every Tuesday imma show a different serial killer and talk about what they did.
Ok so today serial killer is Elizabeth Báthory, Ive seen a documentray on the history ch a while back. So basicly her story is that her husbands dies and she goes nuts because she lost somebody she loved. In my theory(and many others before me) is that if somebody lost something or someone they really really really loved it can push you in to the darkest part of your mind. In this state you cant really feel pain, your mind is angry and sad so therefore you are not thinking straight. This is a first level were one can become the prime of there darkest time. So anyways she got this idea where if she killed young woman who are virgins she would stay young forever. So what she would do is tell everyone across the land that she will open a scholl where they could send there little girls to learn a trade. So many trusted her because she was rich, so they would send many young girls to meet up with her. So to make a long story short she would kill one at a time a drink and bath in the blood of many young girls. Until somebody found out what she had been doing....
Heres Her info
Birth name: Erzsébet Báthory
Also known as: The Blood Countess
The Bloody Lady of Čachtice
Born: 17 August 1560(1560-08-17)
Nyírbátor, Hungary
Died: August 21, 1614 (aged 54)
Csejte, Kingdom of Hungary (today Čachtice, Slovakia)
Span of killings: 1590–1610
Country: Hungary
Date apprehended: 30 December 1610

The descriptions of torture that emerged during the trials were often based on hearsay. The atrocities described most consistently included:
*severe beatings over extended periods of time, often leading to death
*burning or mutilation of hands, sometimes also of faces and genitalia
*biting the flesh off the faces, arms and other bodily parts
*freezing to death
*surgery on victims, often fatal
*starving of victims
*sexual abuse

600 victims, though the number for which they were convicted was 80

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Chris Hansen Help?

Ok so my old high school asst. principal was accused for doing something to a kid awhile back which i think he did. Ok first of all i think anybody who touches a kid sexually needs to be tortured, no not be killed or just sit in prison! I think they should let people rape them like make a new service where they send these Men to them and they will rape them so bad they will bleed! Same goes for womans(yes some woman rapes haha), nobody i mean nobody should ever ever ever ever touch a kid or a baby!
haha yeah so anyways Esham The Boogieman is coming to Tucson this month be sure to peep him out because he is the God Father Of AcidRap AKA Wicked Shit. So yeah imma try to get use to this because it kinda keeps me sane to tell you the truth haha so be sure to check often and comment! haha Remember no limits in my blog

Click Here <-----------

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dont Laugh At Muhammad Or Die

So South Park made an ep. about Muhammad. Okay so a bunch of people got there feelings hurt because South Park made an ep about there prophet guy. Heres the video.

So yeah what you guys think about that? Well i know South Park drills on "anyone" nobody is safe in the minds of Trey and Matt. Every religion get made fun of and you dont see them get all but hurt. I think it funny how these people didnt do anything when they showed Muhammad on South Park before uncensored now on ep 201 he's just a block. Also i think its very funny how that one guy said he didnt feel sad about 9/11 and he lives in New York City.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Closed Casket

Lately ive been reading all these fucked up co
mments on youtube about ICP. They have released a new music video and so far most of it is hating on them. At first i was like thats fucked up but i thought about it and realized that ICP has changed their music style alot. Now-a-days they "rap" about things that seems like they are running out of ideas. I hate to say it but most of ICP new stuff is weak. They use to rap about cutting teachers heads, digging up chicks and keep her as a girl friend, eating dead bodies, stealing dead bodies, making a zombie, running through the nite to kill somebody, and much more dark shit like that! Now its about watching my ride, stalking girls, "Juggalo Island" (sorry but this song souldnt be on BANG POW BOOM maybe ffv5?). I saw the Hatchet Man as a symbol of a ruthless person that has been fucked with, but now i see it and see a bunch of emo juggalos pretending to be down. So idk......... Seems liked ICP Closed The Casket

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sony Vegas

About one month ago i bought Sony Vegas and it is a pretty cool program. It is more advance then Windows Movie Maker! So i had a hard time trying to make it and render it(finish the clip into a file). The First time it came out to 20 GB's! for a 6 min video! I did it a few more times and ended with same results. So I looked it up on youtube and Vaa Laaa! I fixed my problem! So what you see is what u get XD Rate And Comment :)